Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The "Sona" Eclipse or How Do You Stop a "Bummed Out" Man??

Well... it couldnt get any worse... Stayed at home all day without doing anything the least bit significant, unless if you count downloading old sega games significant that is. I must say, i did go through jobstreet but didnt find anything of much interest. Would you ever count blogging significant? I think i'm just talking to myself here, more like monolougue-ing ala Anthony Bourdain? Anthony Bourdain is one of my heroes definitely... i try not to miss his show on travel and living at 3pm. Nobody actually reads what i blog so i think i'm crazy just doing this.

Well, just concluded 1 season of Heroes. So what have i learnt? In some way or another, you are significant and you matter to this world. I'm still wondering how i will contribute to this world. Same old same old thing... Get Rich, big house, big yacht... yada yada yada. Probably i'd invent something or maybe come up with a new word. hahaha... oxford would be so proud. Maybe i was born to draw? Drawing has always been what i wanted to do since i was young. Growing up made drawing the most important thing in the world, especially before u reach your teens. I did remember once in kindergarten when there was gonna be this arts drawing test. The teacher gave us a week to think of what to draw for the test. There i was, day and night, i knew exactly what to draw. A family of black panthers grazing through the savanna finding for food. I even dreamnt of that scenario every night preceding the drawing test(well, almost everyday). I knew that was it... the masterpiece, so to speak. And so the day came, with the confident strokes of the pencil, i drew the panthers and the savanna landscape. And since the panthers were supposed to be black, i colored them black. The test was drawing to a close and i was so proud of my work, until i noticed all around me... Kids were coloring their drawings (every color you can think of. think of the rainbow for example) and finishing up their work. It dawned upon me, other than the color of the trees and a few sandy patches, the color i had on my masterpiece was only black... Black does not equal to the perfect kiddy drawing. I was sweating... how did 1 whole week of planning backfire?! hahaha... i suppose my imagination was more suited for discovery channel rather than kindergarten kids central. Rule of thumb: More colors = Fantastic kid's artwork... Black = Drab and dull. And so i got only a C+. It was the day that i almost hated art and what it stood for. hahaha... But well, thats how life is... everybody does the same thing, everybody goes home happy... when you come up with something different, and you don't fit in... which pretty much sums up my whole life.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm Back! Or am I?

Well... its been almost a year since my last post... I suppose it was down to plain intense indulgence at the start, and it slowly faded away... this whole blog thingy, that is. "No time! No time!" was the excuse. Well, i have all the time in the world now, which means... More randomness. A little something to potential readers(if there is gonna be any)... The blogs will contain more stories and reviews... There might be stories about my life, reviews on tv shows or movies and even football matches. So sit back and relax...

What i need now is just a direction for this upcoming holidays. First up, to find a job. $$$ makes the world go round they say. Which is true to a certain extent. But well, thats another tale for another time coz some people would go for happiness, some for money, yadda yadda... we heard all that before. With money comes clothes and with clothes comes happiness. For me at least... Which brings me to the topic of eBay. Hidden treasures lie beneath the eBay sea, which make me sound like a pirate. It aint easy to find the right thing on ebay. Sometimes the tee-shirt is nice but it doesnt come in the right size. Sometimes its the right size but the colour is so wrong. And most of the time, you'll be outbidded. Its a really sad case. But hey... doesnt hurt to try rite? Credit to Mr Grunge for the introduction to eBay.

Next up on the agenda is a well deserved holiday. Which also means more $$$. See... i told you money makes the world go round. Without money, u cant go places. Micheal Scofield and the other dudes from the famous Fox River 8 went to great lengths to unearth DB Coopers 5million. Would you do the same too? I digress but Prison Break rocks my socks. I have to admit, it is better than Heroes. The thing about Prison Break, you get heart attacks watching it. Heroes on the other hand, makes u more curious. You want to know how this character develops. So which would u choose? Suspense or Curiousity? They say, Curiousity Killed The Cat.
